HomeProjectsAbout MeMy ActivitiesContactSitemap Advertisement Browsing & Internetan Lebih Produktif Dengan Shortcut Key Mozilla Firefox
Berikut ini terdapat beberapa shortcut keyboard untuk Mozilla Firefox yang bisa Anda praktekan sehingga Anda bisa bekerja dan browsing dengan lebih efesien dan meningkatkan produktifitas Anda.
CTRL + T: Opens a new tab.
CTRL + R: Reloads the current tab.
CTRL + H: View your browsing history in a sidebar
CTRL + J: Opens your Firefox download manager
CTRL + TAB: Moves to the next tab.
CTRL + SHIFT + TAB: Moves to the previous tab.
CTRL + Z: Undo last action
CTRL + SHIFT + Z: Redo last action
CTRL + ENTER: Auto-complete URL to .com
CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER: Auto-complete URL to .org
CTRL + SHIFT + T: Restore the last closed tab
CTRL + number: Change to the tab with this number
CTRL + F4: Close the current tab
CTRL + N: Opens a new Firefox window
CTRL + S: Download the current webpage page as a HTML file
CTRL + L: Highlights the URL in the browser address bar
CTRL + HYPHEN: Decrease text size on the webpage
CTRL + PLUS: Increase text size on the webpage
CTRL + D: Add webpage to bookmarks
ALT + Home: Loads your start page.
ALT + F4: Close the browser window
SHIFT + ENTER: Auto-complete URL to .net
F5: Reload the current tab
F11: Go full screen / normal screen
Space: Scroll down the page
ESC: Stop