Facebook VS Twitter !

Posted by Unknown 14 Juni 2010 0 comments

Kalau anda termasuk salah satu pengagum ketokohan seseorang, entah itu seorang artis seperti Tora Sudiro, yang katanya direncanakan akan main film disandingkan dengan Miyabi yang mengundang kontroversi itu, atau pengagum wajah ayu dan imut seorang Alyssa Soebandono, yang digosipkan berpacaran dengan Pasha Ungu, atau jangan-jangan malah seorang Paris Hilton yang tingkahnya sering aneh-aneh karena sering pamer dengan kehidupan glamour jetsetnya, atau jangan-jangan malah yang lebih hebat dari itu, pengagum presiden Obama yang baru saja terima hadiah Nobel perdamaian itu. Ketahuilah, Facebook ternyata tidak cocok buat anda. Dan Jawabnya, Twitter-lah yang lebih cocok dan bisa mengakomodir semua keinginan anda tersebut.
Kenapa bisa begitu? Apa kelebihan Twitter jika dibandingkan Facebook? Berikut adalah diantaranya kelebihan Twitter sepanjang pengamatan dan pengalaman saya asyik menggunakan Twitter, baca juga posting Apa yang berbeda dari Facebook, Twitter dengan Blog?
I Follow You
Anda tinggal langsung ngikut tokoh atau follow (istilah di Twitter jika mau join menjadi teman, Red) mereka dengan menjadi follower atau pengikutnya. Dan itu tanpa persetujuan apapun dari mereka, tapi langsung bisa terhubung dengan mereka. Hal yang sama tidak pernah bisa anda lakukan kalau anda main di Facebook karena harus melewati filter approval dulu. Kecuali kalau yang bersangkutan memang sudah buka account group di Facebook sehingga bisa bebas diikuti siapa saja.
Hubungan Lebih Personal
Kalau anda kebetulan sudah menjalin pertemanan dengan tokoh, entah itu selebriti atau tokoh lainnya di Facebook, anda akan tampak seperti ikan kecil diantara ikan-ikan kecil lainnya dimata ikan besar dalam suatu kolam yang sangat luas. Mengerti maksud saya, kan? Meski sang tokoh sudah menjadi teman anda dan anda sering mengomentari statusnya, tapi anda dimata dia tetap tidak lebih seperti penggemar artis saat dalam jumpa fan. Anda tidak akan terlihat dan tidak bisa kontak langsung secara personal secara lebih intens. Tentu maunya anda, anda pasti ingin terlihat, bukan? Nah, Twitter yang lebih cocok buat anda. Anda bisa langsung membalas tweet (istilah update status di Twitter, Red) mereka secara personal dua arah seperti halnya anda melakukan kontak SMS-an atau Chatting karena langsung diterima dan dibaca di dinding Twitter sang tokoh anda. Dengan catatan yang bersangkutan lagi online di komputer atau standby di Smartphonenya. Hebat bukan?
Feature Broadcast
Saya sebut feature broadcast karena ngetweet di Twitter memang lebih mirip seperti itu. Jika anda kebetulan seorang public figure dan di Twitter punya banyak teman yang menjadi follower anda, setiap anda ngetweet maka semua follower anda akan terima message itu bak SMS blasting masal yang akan diterima ratusan atau ribuan follower yang jadi pengikut anda. Powerful, bukan? Hal yang sama tidak mungkin bisa anda lakukan kalau di Facebook. Mungkin kalau di Facebook anda bisa lakukan tapi itu hanya bisa lewat fasilitas email saja. Tapi tentu sedikit ribet karena anda harus input atau add kontaknya satu-satu, tidak seperti di Twitter yang semudah anda update status di Facebook.
Feature Bisnis
Feature Broadcast seperti diatas lebih powerful untuk mendukung bisnis anda, baik bisnis online maupun offline karena informasinya akan langsung nyampai ke follower anda, tanpa ada kendala seperti di Facebook yang informasinya belum tentu nyampai ke member anda. Karena di Facebook jika seseorang punya teman yang cukup banyak, aktif juga di beberapa group, terus teman-temannya rata-rata sangat aktif untuk update status, maka informasi dari anda akan nampak seperti tumpukan kertas yang makin lama makin kebawah dan akhirnya sama sekali tidak akan terlihat oleh member dalam daftar teman anda. Hal yang sama tidak terjadi pada Twitter karena pada Twitter, tweet dikirim dan diterima secara personal di board accountnya masing-masing.
Demikian kurang lebihnya kelebihan Twitter jika dibandingkan Facebook. Silahkan ditambahi jika ada yang kurang. Gimana? Anda tertarik untuk ikutan ngetweet di Twitter juga? Silahkan langsung ngedaftar aja lewat http://twitter.com. Dan lewat posting ini sekalian saya ingin mengundang anda untuk follow ke saya. Silahkan follow saya klik disini. He….. He…..Jangan ketawa nyengir dulu, ya! “Apa menariknya follow ke saya?” Mungkin begitu pikir anda. Lha, wong saya bukan artis selebriti. Anda tidak perlu ragu karena begitu anda follow me, saya akan langsung follow you juga. Menarik, kan tawaran saya? Anda boleh tertawa ngakak atau mesam-mesem sekarang melihat kampanye terselubung ini. He…. He…. He….
Beberapa hari yang lalu, temen gw nanya “apa sih enaknya twitteran? mendingan facebook”. Temen gw nanya itu karena gw udah pasif di facebook (jaraaaanggg… banget buka facebook) sejak aktif twitteran.
Waktu itu temen gw (yang lain) bantu jawab: ‘lebih ke penggunaannya sih. kalo hobi update status mending twitteran’. <<< jawaban yang menurut gw: 'bener; tapi-gak-gitu-juga-sih'. Cuma karena gw gak punya jawaban yang lebih baik, akhirnya gw terpaksa meng-iya-kan.
Dan hari ini, gw tahu jawabannya :)
sumber: www.wordcrafter.posterous.com
Pertama, kita harus lihat apa yang ditawarkan oleh kedua situs.
"Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life", itu yang ditawarkan facebook (kalo ga percaya lihat aja di homescreen-nya facebook :D ). Jadi, aktifitas yang umum dijumpai di facebook adalah saling add profile, dan juga sharing berbagai hal. Ya, BERBAGAI HAL! Gak cuma berbagi info "gw lagi melakukan ini/ lagi ada disini" lewat status; facebook juga berbagi file seperti gambar, ucapan, tulisan, dan lain-lain. Makanya jangan kesel kalo ada temen di facebook yang sembarangan nge-tag foto-foto aneh, nge-tag curhatan via notes, ngasih undangan bergabung ke groups 'ajaib' dan ngirimin hadiah/kartu ucapan gak penting. Karena konsepnya adalah sharing maka mendapatkan hal-hal kayak gitu adalah resiko pengguna facebook :)
Nah, kalau yang ditawarkan twitter tuh "share and discover what's happening right now, anywhere in the world." Sama-sama 'sharing', tapi twitter memfokuskan temanya ke "what's happening"; bukan foto, bukan hadiah, bukan undangan. Karena normalnya, twitter tidak menyediakan layanan berbagi file (meski ada situs/aplikasi pihak ketiga yang mengakomodasi hal itu). Jadi kalau twitteran, hal yang didapatkan user adalah informasi. Tapi jangan salah, hal itu jadi kelebihan sekaligus kelemahan twitter. Twitter user gak boleh protes sama timeline yang bergerak cepat. Kesannya emang 'banyak bacot nih orang, update status mulu' tapi selama dia mengupdate "hal yang sedang terjadi" yaa.. itu tidak melanggar peraturan. Kecuali kalau update statusnya gak jelas: ngasih link tanpa disertai info itu link tentang apa; misalnya.
Dilihat dari penawaran masing-masing situs, kita bisa aja menarik kesimpulan sama kayak yang dibilang temen gw: 'twitter itu cocok buat orang yang hobi update status'. Itu benar. Tapi bukan berarti kalau kita pendiam, lalu kita gak akan dapet manfaat apa-apa dari twitter. Itu karena twitter menawarkan update informasi!
Kuncinya adalah memfollow orang/id yang tepat. Kalau itu dilakukan oleh twitter user, maka manfaat yang dia rasakan akan sangat banyak sekali. Kita tidak perlu berkenalan secara personal (saling kenal secara akrab) untuk mengikuti update 'tweets' dari seseorang/sebuah id untuk mendapatkan informasi darinya. Anda memfollow @AdrieSubono misalnya. Gak perlu kenalan sama si promotor, follow aja dia untuk dapetin update tentang konser yang akan digelar Java Musikindo (bahkan request buat datengin artis/ngerebut tiket gratis dari konser yg akan datang).
Loh, cuma lihat update status? Sama aja kayak facebook dong?
Beda! :)
Karena di twitter: followers berbeda dengan friends. Friends adalah orang-orang yang kita follow, sedangkan followers adalah orang-orang yg mem-follow kita. Kenapa harus dibedakan? Karena setiap user butuh informasi yang berbeda.
Katakanlah gw butuh informasi tentang rencana konser di Indonesia; makanya gw follow @AdrieSubono. Tapi apakah @AdrieSubono butuh informasi tentang aktifitas keseharian gw? Dia gak butuh, makanya gak follow gw :)
Di facebook, kalau 2 id saling terhubung, maka updates & sharing dari salah satu id akan muncul di homescreen id yang satunya lagi. Kadang updates-nya berupa hal tidak berguna & hal itu mengganggu. Like my friend once said: i joined facebook not to receive updates about your game level. Buat apa join facebook (situs sosial) kalau kita justru malah asik main games sendirian? :)
Meski banyak setting dalam facebook yang fungsinya memaksimalkan manfaat dari facebook (mematikan updates tentang aplikasi & games misalnya) tapi hal-hal yang sifatnya tagging sangat tak terhindarkan; sekali kena tag, harus di-remove secara manual. Dan twitter juga punya kelemahan serupa: setiap id bisa dengan mudah memanipulasi tweets id lain (dengan membuat ReTweet palsu). Tapi hal tersebut dapat dengan mudah dikroscek, dengan melihat timeline dari id yang di ReTweet.
So, sudah dapat gambaran kenapa gw lebih suka twitter-an? :D
Agar Akun Facebook dan Twitter tak Dibobol Si Kerah Hitam
Minggu, 06 Juni 2010 | 08:47 WIB
Besar Kecil Normal
TEMPO/Kink Kusuma Rein
TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta – Tingkat kejahatan dunia maya Indonesia terbilang tinggi. Perusahaan pembuat program keamanan komputer terbesar Symantec melansir, pada 2009 Indonesia berada di peringkat kedelapan dalam daftar negara dengan tingkat kejahatan dunia cyber tertinggi di kawasan Asia-Pasifik. Naik empat tingkat dari tahun sebelumnya. Diperkirakan trennya akan terus meningkat. Apalagi komunikasi antar-individu dan beragam transaksi keuangan kian bergantung pada Internet, mengikuti tuntutan zaman. Untuk membantu Anda agar tidak menjadi korban para penjahat berkerah hitam ini, berikut ini kiatnya.
1.Jangan pernah sekali pun memberitahukan kata sandi e-mail (surat elektronik) Anda kepada siapa pun.
2. Kreatiflah dalam memilih kata sandi. Jangan yang berkaitan dengan data pribadi, termasuk nama hewan peliharaan Anda. Jangan pula nama artis idola, karena mudah ditebak.
3. Gunakan variasi huruf kapital, angka, dan tanda baca untuk kata sandi. Agar tak mudah lupa, catat dan simpan di suatu tempat yang hanya Anda ketahui.
4. Jangan gunakan kata sandi yang sama untuk semua akun Anda.
5. Jangan menggunakan satu alamat e-mail untuk berbagai keperluan. Bedakan e-mail untuk transaksi elektronik dengan e-mail situs jejaring sosial yang Anda ikuti.
6. Kurangi menggunakan jasa warung Internet. Berselancar yang paling aman adalah dengan menggunakan komputer sendiri.
7. Bila terpaksa menggunakan komputer umum, biasakan menghapus History di browser yang Anda gunakan. Jangan lupa pula menghapus cookies, agar data Anda tidak mudah terlacak pengguna komputer setelah Anda.
8. Jangan umbar data pribadi di situs apa pun, termasuk blog pribadi Anda.
1. Sembunyikan alamat e-mail Anda dari layar profil.
2. Jangan sembarangan menerima pertemanan jika tidak kenal.
3. Bila telanjur mencantumkan nomor telepon pribadi, segera hapus. Karena bisa digunakan orang iseng untuk kegiatan kriminal.
4. Jeli melihat tampilan halaman utama Facebook dan Twitter. Jangan sampai terkena perangkap phishing dengan tidak buru-buru memasukkan nama dan kata sandi.
5. Jika Anda curiga telah dijebak lewat phishing, langsung tutup halaman itu.
6. Jangan suka mengklik link yang tidak jelas.
1. Sekali lagi jangan lupa, bedakan e-mail akun lain dengan e-mail PayPal atau kartu kredit Anda.
2. Gunakan fasilitas Security Center di situs-situs transaksi elektronik Anda. Meski harus mengeluarkan uang, jumlahnya tidak akan sebanding dengan kerugian yang akan Anda derita.
3. Usahakan menggunakan komputer pribadi saat melakukan transaksi ini.
4. Bertransaksilah secara aman. Jangan bertransaksi di toko-toko online yang belum jelas kredibilatasnya.
rin just joined Facebook this afternoon. If you have a Facebook account, please send her a friend request. She has 121 Facebook friends so far (after we posted about it to our Twitter accounts), and she’s looking to add more. Her Facebook page is at:
Erin Pavlina – Facebook
My Facebook Experience
My Facebook page is here:
Steve Pavlina – Facebook
I’ve been using Facebook for a few months now. I currently have 1,907 Facebook friends. I’ve been a fairly active user ever since I joined. I get new friend requests, comments, and emails there every day.
Overall I’m glad I joined Facebook. It takes extra time to keep up with it, and it can easily become a time sink if you aren’t judicious in how you use it. However, I’ve found it a good way to meet people with compatible interests.
I set things up so that whenever I update my Twitter status, it updates my Facebook status automatically. Also, if I make a new blog post, the link is automatically posted to my Twitter and Facebook accounts too. Facebook has an app that anyone can add to their account to do this. To set this up with Twitter, I used Twitterfeed. You only have to set these up once, and after that it’s all completely automated. Nice!
There are four primary ways I use Facebook now:
1. Broadcast medium. I use Facebook as a broadcast medium via the auto-updates that appear when I post anything to my blog or my Twitter account. This is fully automated. This brings more readers to my blog posts. It gives people an extra outlet to keep up with my work.
2. Gathering feedback. Facebook is another place where I receive general feedback (via comments posted on my Wall and Facebook email) as well as specific feedback about my Twitter updates and blog updates. Most of this feedback is pretty general (“great post”), but some of it has been helpful. The Facebook feedback is usually short and snappy, so it gives me a quick vibe on people’s reactions to a post. The feedback I get via email and the forums is usually much longer.
3. Making new connections. I’ve met some pretty cool people on Facebook. This includes new friends (people I now keep in touch with regularly) as well as new business contacts. I’ve received a few interview requests and speaking invites via Facebook too. Facebook has been more beneficial as a business tool than Linkedin. My Linkedin account generates mostly spam and inappropriate requests and has been largely useless. Between the two, Facebook wins hands down for business networking.
4. Maintaining existing connections. Some people prefer keeping in touch with me via Facebook instead of using regular email or phones. Some of my existing connections have strengthened with people who happen to be on Facebook. I think this is because my Facebook friends see my updates more frequently (vs. if they just subscribe to my blog feed or newsletter), so they think about me more often as a result.
The downside is that I can’t respond to all the feedback I get on Facebook, including the emails people send and the comments they post on my Wall. It’s just too much to keep up with it all. A few times people got upset when I didn’t reply to their questions, but I have to triage. However, I think most people understand that when you have nearly 2K Facebook friends, you can’t be equally responsive to everyone. If people think I can do that, their expectations are totally unrealistic.
Another thing I don’t have time for is getting involved with all the Facebook apps. Most of them are way too cutesy for me. I really don’t need people sending me virtual candies and such. Don’t get me wrong — I appreciate the sentiment behind it — but I just don’t have time for that sort of thing. I almost always decline requests that require me to add new apps to my account. If you want to send me extra love, just hold the intention in your thoughts, and I’ll receive it. No need to send me virtual snacks via Facebook. :)
I also decline all Facebook cause invites. People send me new ones every day. Again, it’s not that I don’t care about the fate of whales or polar bears. It’s just that I don’t have time to get involved in five new causes every day. I have to be more focused than that.
Spam hasn’t been a big problem for me on Facebook. When people start spamming me with too much junk (some Internet marketers have done this), I just unfriend them. Problem solved. If you spam me, I can guarantee you won’t be my friend for long. If you send me a message that says, “I know this looks like spam, but…” you’ll be unfriended before I read the rest of your message. I have zero tolerance for anything that looks like spam.
I normally accept all initial friend requests. The limit is currently 5,000 friends, so my account still has room for about 3K more friends. I thought about creating a separate fan page, but for now that seems unnecessary, and I don’t see what it would accomplish. Maybe if I hit the friend limit, I can consider it.
There is a lot of stuff in Facebook that is awfully cutesy and which seems totally pointless to me, so I simply ignore that stuff. When I stick with my core reason for using Facebook, which is to cultivate new compatible connections, it does fulfill that purpose quite well. Many people find me on Facebook because they see I’m friends with one of their friends. This has a rippling effect of expanding my Facebook network in interesting directions. For example, I frequently get new friend requests from other raw foodists because I’m friends with lots of other raw foodists there.
I’ve been using Twitter a bit longer than Facebook. I currently have 2,409 followers there, and I’ve posted 479 updates. On average I gain roughly one new Twitter follower per hour.
One thing that helped boost my follower join rate was adding my Twitter page to my signature in our discussion forums. If you regularly participate in any online forums, I highly recommend you do the same. Your signature links will appear on every post you’ve ever made (assuming the forum software is decent). People who find your old forum posts (such as via search engines) may start following you on Twitter if they like what you posted. This way your old posts are working for you. Be sure to also link your forum signature to your Facebook page if you want more Facebook friends.
Overall I like Twitter. I wish I adopted it earlier, since I’d have a lot more followers by now. Many bloggers who started using Twitter earlier have way more followers than I do.
Using Twitter doesn’t require much time at all if you’re disciplined, especially since my blog posts are automatically announced there. I have it set to announce Erin’s blog posts to my Twitter account as well. If I get a quick thought I want to share, it takes 30-60 seconds to post it on Twitter.
I use Twitter mainly as a broadcast medium. I don’t reply to all the questions and comments people send me there — that wouldn’t be a good use of my time. As with Facebook, a few people get upset when I don’t reply to them. I do reply to some people there, but replying to everyone who contacts me there is totally unrealistic.
People often send me cool links via Twitter, and I’ll occasionally re-tweet them or share them in our forums. Earlier today I shared a link to a heart-warming Youtube video (16:23) that someone sent me via Twitter this morning. If I get too busy, I don’t even look at the links people send me. I can’t keep up with all the links people email me either. If you send me a link, the odds are less than 50-50 that I’ll even look at it.
Even on Twitter I get a lot of people asking me to help them with certain causes. I appreciate the seriousness of some of these requests, but it’s just too much for me to get involved with this sort of thing. I do what I can now and then, but I can’t get behind every cause that crosses my plate.
While I don’t do a lot of out-linking from my blog posts — I feel it would add way too much clutter to the archives if I did — I often share cool links via Twitter. Those links may not be seen by as many people, but I think it’s a good compromise. I prefer to use my blog for sharing original content. If I want to pass on a link or share something timely, Twitter works well for that.
One of my favorite things to do on Twitter is to share interesting, inspiring, and/or challenging quotes. Sometimes I’ll tweet a famous quote I come across. Other times I’ll post a sentence or two from my book or my blog that I think people will find stimulating. I get some cool feedback on these quotes, so I think people like them. Again, all of these tweets are automatically posted to my Facebook account too.
Online Socializing
The downside of adding Facebook and Twitter to my life is that it increased the flow of new connections coming into my life. At first this was great, but soon I started feeling over-socialized. I was forming more new connections than I could sustainably manage. Adding these new contacts is easy. Maintaining ongoing relationships with all of them is impossible.
In lieu of spending even more time answering emails and such, my most practical option was to raise my standards for the type of online socializing I would do. Otherwise I could spend all day on this stuff and never get any real work done.
Consequently, I’ve become much pickier about which connections and conversations I’ll get involved with personally vs. keeping my distance. This applies to my regular email as well as to forum discussions, Facebook feedback and emails, and Twitter responses.
This wasn’t easy to do. There were many people I felt deserved a response, so I constantly have to remind myself not to follow up on anything that doesn’t pass my pre-qual tests. I don’t always succeed, but I’m gradually getting better.
I admit I feel a bit guilty about all the stuff I have to let slide. But I can’t justify spending all day answering one-on-one feedback when I have more impactful things to do.
Even though I’ve added Twitter and Facebook to my life, I’m actually doing less online socializing than I used to. The reason is that the extra incoming communication made me more aware that it isn’t a good use of my time to over-socialize online. I quickly realized that in order to stay productive, I had to be more selective than ever.
Consequently, I’ve been letting some online-only friendships fall by the wayside if the compatibility connection just isn’t there. I’m letting a lot of emails go unanswered these days. In fact, many of them are now going unread. I used to read every email I received, but no longer. If people send me lengthy emails about their life stories and how my work has helped them, I used to love reading that stuff, but I can’t justify spending time on that anymore. It steals too much attention from other things. It’s unfortunate that some people will spend hours writing these long messages that will go unread. I’m grateful for the intent behind them, but I must be more careful in how I use my time. If I take the time to read those emails, I have to do less of something else.
Incidentally, if you’re considering sending me a long email in the near future, please don’t. I probably won’t have time to read it. I do appreciate the intent, however.
A big problem with online socializing is that it can become a crutch that crowds out face-to-face connections. I’d rather meet new people face-to-face as opposed to sitting in front of my computer typing emails. So I’m intentionally withdrawing from a lot of online socializing in order to free up more time for face-to-face interaction. I’m dropping the quantity, so I can raise the quality.
Ironically, the net benefit of adding Facebook and Twitter to my life is that they caused me to back off from online socializing and to become much more selective with socializing in general. The upside is that these services help me cast a wide net, so I have new potential connections coming into my life every day. Then I sift through the contents of that net with a pair of tweezers. I look for strong compatibilities, and when I find them, I follow up to see if there’s the potential for a deeper connection to be made. Sometimes this results in new friendships or business contacts, and other times it just fizzles.
Dealing with Rejection — When You’re the Rejecter
What I dislike most is that this approach requires me to “reject” more people than ever, usually by ignoring them or blowing them off. I still feel a bit guilty about this. But obviously this isn’t going away if I’m going to keep doing what I do. It will very likely continue to get worse.
Still, there’s an ongoing incongruity between my feelings and my reality that I haven’t yet resolved, and I dislike that very much. For years now I’ve been receiving more feedback than I can possibly respond to. And now I’ve ramped that up to an even greater level. Now I can’t even read it all. Logically I know that it’s unrealistic for me or anyone else to expect I can personally follow up with everyone who contacts me. So why do I still feel like everyone deserves a personal response? Why do I feel like I should do my best to maintain every online relationship I have, even though that’s totally impractical these days?
It feels rude to ignore people who take the time to keep in touch with me, especially those who genuinely want to connect or who offer encouragement and support. I think it’s very nice that such people take the time to email me. So how can I respond by ignoring them?
Something is messed up with my beliefs here. I’m looking at this situation from a disempowering perspective. I can see the truth logically, but I’m not feeling it emotionally. My heart just isn’t onboard with my brain’s solution. Some part of me is resisting the idea that possibly for the rest of my life, I’m always going to have to blow off people who reach out to connect with me. This includes saying no most of the time to people who ask for help (and need it).
When I switched to a 100% raw vegan diet this year, something strange happened to me energetically. There are lots of ways to describe it, but one way to explain it is that I used to have an imbalance where my power chakra was a lot more energetic than my heart and third-eye chakras. This year that imbalance has totally flip-flopped. In plain English, this means that my emotions and intuition keep bringing problems to my attention that at present, I lack the ability to solve in a way I feel good about. So I have a lot of motivation and drive to do certain things that I’m simply not able to do to my satisfaction. My solutions often make me feel worse than the problems they’re intended to solve.
This new imbalance has been causing me problems for several months now. On multiple occasions, I’ve acted on some of these heart-centered impulses, but the results weren’t so good. I’ve gone out of my way to help people in a few situations, but the results left me feeling empty and disappointed. This relates to some offline problems I’ve been tackling lately, i.e. stuff I’d never blog about due to the importance of protecting people’s privacy.
This Facebook/Twitter expansion seems like it might be another manifestation of this imbalance. Originally I felt motivated to join these services as a way to reach out and connect with more people. It certainly had that effect. But the side effect is that I now must reject more people than ever, which is the opposite of what I wanted. So yeah, you could say it’s a solution of a sort, but it’s not a solution that makes me feel totally good.
Ultimately in order to resolve these issues, I need to correct the energetic imbalances I’m experiencing. That may take some time though. It’s like whenever I take some kind of action now, I can feel the rippling consequences of it so deeply that I end up focusing too much on the negative side and not enough on the positive. It’s like my emotions and intuitive abilities have become over-energized and don’t know when to shut up.
On the many occasions when I have to blow people off, I wish they wouldn’t think their disappointment so loudly… cuz I can hear it, you know. It’s like constantly having one of those Obi Wan moments after Alderaan got Death Starred.


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