Posted by Unknown
19 Agustus 2011
Justin Bieber (
TEXAS - Seorang remaja berumur 11 tahun, mengganti nama sebuah jalan di daerah Forney, Texas, menjadi 'Jalan Justin Bieber'.
Gonzalez, nama anak itu. Dia memenangkan kesempatan menjadi wali kota
sehari. Caroline menjadi pemenang sebuah kontes di Facebook yang
bertujuan mengajak kaum muda agar tertarik pada pemerintahan kota.
Demikian dikutip
Digitalspy, Kamis (18/8/2011).
pun mengubah nama jalan dari Main Street (Jalan Utama) ke Justin Bieber
Way (Jalan Justin Bieber). Hal itu dilakukan sebagai bentuk
penghormatan kepada kepada bintang pop Kanada itu.
"Saya hanya
benar-benar seperti Justin Bieber. Saya pikir akan keren jika kita
memiliki sebuah jalan di kota kami sesuai dengan namanya. Saya pikir itu
cukup keren, dan jika Justin Bieber benar-benar di sini, saya mungkin
akan pingsan," tutur Caroline, terbahak.
Selain berhak mengganti nama jalan, Caroline juga wajib terlibat dalam kegiatan daur ulang dan proyek pelayanan masyarakat.
penggantian nama kali ini, penduduk asli Australia pernah juga pernah
mengganti nama jalan, dari Osbeck Road menjadi Dildo Boulevard.
Justin Bieber had a street named after him in Forney, Texas.
The town's Main Street was renamed Justin Bieber Way by Caroline Gonzalez, 11, who had won a competition to become mayor for the day.
She made the rebranding one of her first acts in power, in tribute to her favourite pop star.
When asked why she had chosen to rename the street, she told E! News: "Because I really like Justin Bieber,I like his music and I like him.
"I thought, why not have a street in my hometown named after my favourite singer?"
Caroline had won the chance to become mayor for the day after entering a competition on Facebook. Alongside renaming the road, she also got to tour the town's fire station and sit in the mayor's chair. Although Justin Bieber Way went back to being called Main Street the next day, regular mayor Darren Rozell said the town would still welcome the Canadian singer if he wanted to visit.
He said: "I'll tell you this - if Justin Bieber sees this, and wants to come to Forney, he's got an open invitation."
Printing the Justin Bieber Way sign cost the town an estimated $20 - less than the cost of a ticket to see one of Justin's shows.
Other stars to have streets named after them include rock act AC/DC, who have a street named after them in Melbourne, Australia; while Foo Fighters rocker Dave Grohl has Dave Grohl Alley in his hometown of Warren, Ohio, named in his honour.